داستان آبیدیک

cortical visual impairment


1 عمومی:: اختلالات بینایی قشری

In a recent study from Sweden, ROP dominated the causes for blindness, affecting 24% of the children born between 1998 and 2008.29 Another study from the USA suggested ROP as the second major cause of visual impairment in children (11.8%), with cortical visual impairment (CVI) as the most prevalent cause (24.9%) (30). Another study from Norway also reported neuro-ophthalmological disorders (including CVI) for the majority (37.3%) of visual impairment causes in children and adolescents, while retinal disorders (including ROP, together with retinitis pigmentosa) were responsible for only 19.1% (31). Today, as other studies indicate, the majority of causes for visual impairment/blindness in higher- income countries are attributed to CVI and optic neuropathies. However, in countries such as Iran that are rapidly shifting from lower to middle income, and witnessing increasing newborn survival rates, preterm birth complications (including ROP and CVI) are considered as rising challenges (28).

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